Hazel - Girl Spy

Hazel - Girl Spy
Hazel - Girl Spy

Monday, 13 December 2010

Itching Fingers

My startling discovery this week is that it is not very easy just to stop crafting cold. I have had to fill my time with distractions like housework and shopping! Admittedly the shopping was for Mum and I did conciously avoid the craft shop so that I would not be tempted, but although I have accomplished lots, I have missed the satisfaction that creating brings. I have also wasted time doing silly things like the Advent Puzzle on Imag-E-nations from which I get digi stamps and other goodies. I cracked it but still don't know if my answer was correct or not.

A balm to my soul has been to look at other peoples creations (and leave admiring comments!) and to anticipate the arrival of my German glass glitter which has been shipped from the USA. And now there are only a few more sleeps before our lovely daughters come home. That's the best medicine for going cold-turkey from crafting; lots of catching up with the two most gorgeous creatures on the planet - I dare you to dispute this with me! They are the best creations of all the ones I've had a hand in, even if it was a joint venture with Mr H!

Mawkish or what; I can't get excited about an upload so I wax lyrical ad become sickly sweet instead. Think I had better start re-crafting on Boxing Day, lol. 

Off to do something worthy but unexciting, cheerio, Hazel x

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