Hazel - Girl Spy

Hazel - Girl Spy
Hazel - Girl Spy

Monday, 25 October 2010

Covered in Confusion

Not untypical for a Monday morning! I was on a new blogsite yesterday, Bizzy Becs (http://bizzybecsstore) and joined in a blog candy giveaway or so I though,t but my wireless router crashed before I had the chance to complete the instructions and now I cannot log in to be a follower! It's not the end of the world but it is very frustrating for the novice blogger. Especially when you are a mature blogger; number -of -years -lived -mature rather than gravitas mature!

Talking about mature, I seem to have reached the age where I keep finding myself breaking news of death of relatives to other relatives and it's weird. Last night my cousin Moira phoned me and I had to tell her about Auntie Agnes and Uncle Bill and she was naturally upset. I had previously told my sister Susan in Lanzarote and she had texted Moira telling her to phone me. How odd is that ? Have I become the receiver and distributor of sad news in our family branch just because I'm the oldest sib? I do not strike myself as being emotionally suited to this role as my feelings are never well-contained and I cry very easily. I'm sure it can't be good and a stoic would be far better. I should advertise; "Stoic required on an ad-hoc basis to break sad news - no weepers need apply"

There is something cathartic about this process of writing; you get to ask questions, answer them and amuse yourself at the same time! Genius. The only drawback is that I am so slow, I keep missing breakfast and I have become annal about punctuation and spelling because if my children ever find this blog and my punctuation and spelling are off, they will be measuring me up for a spot in the Happy Valley Retirement Community well before I'm ready for it!

Microwaved porridge for me then. Got lots to do so cheerio for now!

Hazel x

Seeing as how I have no cards to show today I have posted a picture of the sunset at Oban because it's lovely and I miss it - Oban, not the picture!!

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