Hazel - Girl Spy

Hazel - Girl Spy
Hazel - Girl Spy

Friday, 4 March 2011

Disaster has struck!

Oh the humanity - bear with me,I am making a drama out of crisis here! My trusty laptop has googled its last and has gone to techno heaven. The graphics chip has burnt out;right in the middle of me blogging yesterday. However they can recover my files for £40! I simply cannot bear the thought of losing all my digi stamps so made Mr H stump up - I was overcome with the mimsies & flutterings, lol.so I have delegated him upstairs to surf the net and find me another laptop pdq! I am using his iPad touch to do this - it has a tiny keypad and a tiny screen and I am truly pants with it!a
As a result I cannot post my cards so there will be nothing to see here that's interesting so I might not be blogging for a bit as my eyes are fully crossed now! Hope to be back very soon, cheerio for now, Hazeyj, xxx


  1. Hello Hazel, now you've filled my heart with terror - goodness knows what I'd do if this pc died on my. I, too, would hate to lose all my digi stamps and paper!! I'll need to schedule a back-up methinks. Hope you have a replacement quite soon and up and running again. Elizabeth x

  2. Oh no, hope you get it sorted soon! What is that first comment all about????

  3. what happened to my comment I posted yesterday oh well again sorry to hear about your computer hope you get it sdorted very soon and you can retrieve all your stuff I have tons of stuff on mine and I don't know what I'd do if I lost it I do have most of it backed up though on a memeory stick so maybe you could do that when you are sorted oh and don't forget to send me your email so I can send you some things
    Jacki xx

  4. oh no Hazel, I had a shudder just thinking of my precious laptop going to cyber heaven...my deepest sympathies lol
    Mina xxx

  5. Hi Hazel, hope your computer is up and running soon and you are able to get back all your lovely digis. Hugs Hazel xx
