Hazel - Girl Spy

Hazel - Girl Spy
Hazel - Girl Spy

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Sunday Gloomy Sunday

Weather wise, anyway. I've been up for ages because the cold and arthritis combo had conspired to make a long sleep impossible. Also, and he will deny it, my husband broke the flush on the WC last night so it'll be a day of flushing with  buckets of water. The fun will come tomorrow if him indoors decides to get someone in to fix it or decides to have a go. If he thinks he can fix it then I'm in for a treat listening to him cursing and then having to fix it for him with the help of my DIY book. He had free access to this info but as with driving, men do not take direction well and prefer to get lost in spectacular style. My late mother-in-law warned me you could lead a Hopkins to water but they'd die of thirst unless they thought drinking was their own idea.

I was expecting trick or treaters yesterday, it being Saturday but maybe they are sticking with tradition and guising tonight; Bonfire Night seems to be the more movable feast now that personal firework displays and bonfires are replaced by public ones usually to be held at weekends. I used to love it when my dad would make bonfire and light a box of Standard Fireworks one by one.If you looked down the back gardens of Weavers Knowe Crescent you could see all the other dads doing the same.

Its a male celebration really; Mr H has his very own brazier so he can burn things to his hearts content - mainly receipts and old bills admittedly (he fears identity theft so much he shreds and burns!) but I never see him more cheerier than when he is making fire. My cousin.Phillip used to make his own fireworks (in the good old days when you could by chemicals from your chem teacher to top up your chem set no questions asked) and I was delighted when one year he filled our whole back garden with spectacular green and smelly smoke for at least half an hour. No one called the fire brigade but the neighbours poked gentle fun at my shamefaced pa for weeks after, as if his fire making skills were somehow diminished. I think that the competitiveness about bigger and better has led to the discouragement of personal fireworks. Hey, that's my Big Bang Theory!

Made a card yesterday but have not uploaded it yet so no photo of a card. So here is one of my two most wonderful creations, in fancy dress as befits the day; I give you the Misses Hopkins, Sian and Morgan.

Sian was Rainbow Brite and Moogs was Jessica Rabbit; the pout is their fathers and the keen intelligence shining forth from their eyes they got from me.

The dawn has broken but the sun has not appeared so I guess it will remain grey for a while. Happy Hallow'een.

Hazel x

1 comment:

  1. Morning Hazel

    Just to let you know, bit delayed, but now packed ready and will go off tomorrow !!

    Hope that flusher gets sorted.

    B x
